welcome welcome to love and care a resource and respite for all who care featuring the newlove and carepodcast once my mother looked after me now I look after her here you’ll find ourstory beginningthe day my father died a chance to reflecton love and careand to share stories ‘I love it! It’s beautifully written. I really like the voice – wry and intimate and self-scourging and tender…’ — Nicci Gerrard, author of What Dementia Teaches us About Love (and other novels) ‘Touching and funny…looking forward to more…’— Carers UK ‘Love the story weaving, journaling style…very relatable…’ — Maud and Mum, blogger ‘A vital subject, a really strong voice and, hurrah, humour…absorbing listening…’ — Caroline Raphael, BBC Radio 4’s former head of radio drama an original work in twenty-minutepodcasts free to download subscribe and share click here to go back to the home page