text to my sister’s email…
we went home to mum and dad’s house. Poured stiff g and t or two and felt relieved.
sounds terrible but the stress of all those years and anger and sadness for all the loss of contact for the family took their toll.
you’d cried the day before at his hospital bed. It was the day I arrived from Vancouver and we went to see him. You broke down and talked about the lost years and how unnecessary all the suffering was for everyone.
I think you were also relieved I was there and you could relax a bit…
…pub the day he died?
we continued there and ate dinner. Maybe it was fish and chips?
We did talk about taking mum out of the care home but I think you’d already decided and it was more of a discussion about how difficult this might be.
you were going to try as you always promised you would bring her home.
she was often asking you how long and saying don’t forget me and don’t leave me here.
music credits: One Dog Down title music by Wes Hutchinson, Alone by Akash Gandhi, Claud Debussy’s Clair de Lune performed by Caela Harrison, Pink Flamenco by Doug Maxwell, Auld Lang Syne performed by E’s Jammy Jams, Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies by Tchaikovsky, uncredited, all tracks bar Clair de Lune courtesy of Youtube’s Music Library, free to download and use without copyright restrictions or royalties
this is not the official Mavericks video for the track mentioned in the road trip with my daughter…
…but it’s shot in Cuba and the dancing’s terrific, and the novel I was driving south to work on was a cuban story…so I thought you might like to hear the actual track…
..especially given that I approached the Mavericks for permission to use the song in the podcast and got no reply…twice, but hey, no hard feelings…
France and Phil’s region of languedoc rousillion in glorious colour…never too hard to make the south of France look rather wonderful, and the man himself, angle grinding something vital whilst I stand by and take photos…when I was supposed to be helping out…
an early idea for the front cover of the book I was in France to re-write, again…a boy’s own story based on real events and set during the Cuban revolution of 1958. The illustration is by the rather marvellous Jeremy Jones, click on the image to see his fine art at Saatchi’s
music credits: One Dog Down title music by Wes Hutchinson, Miles Beyond by Quincas Moreira, Boom de Boom by Aaron Lieberman, Drops of Earth by Aakash Gandhi all tracks courtesy of Youtube’s Music Library, free to download and use without copyright restrictions or royalties.
music credits: One Dog Down title music by Wes Hutchinson, Yonder Hill and Dale by Aaron Kenny, Wind Marching for Rain by Puddle of Infinity, Clair de Lune performed by Caela Harrison and written by Claud Debussy—all tracks courtesy of Youtube’s Music Library, free to download and use without copyright restrictions or royalties unless otherwise stated
music credits: One Dog Down title music by Wes Hutchinson, Waterfall by Aakash Gandhi, Jazz Piano Bar by Doug Maxwell, courtesy of Media Right Productions, Where Am I by Text Me Records, Gymnopedie No 3 performed by Wahneta Maxwell and written by Eric Satie, Cuban Sandwich, Doug Maxwell and Media Right Productions, also Pink Flamenco by Doug, Mysterious Sorrows, the wonderful Aakash Gandhi, and Miles Beyond, an old favourite by Quincas Moreira—all tracks courtesy of Youtube’s Music Library, free to download and use without copyright restrictions or royalties unless otherwise stated
I thought it only right to provide a link to the quoted work of doctor Earl Nauman…I should also say he is an expert in marketing and business…other titles by the good doctor include Customer Satisfaction Measurement…the equivalent, I’m guessing, to that perennial lovers question, ‘how was it for you?’
- Nearly two thirds of the US population believes in love at first sight.
- Of the believers, more than half have experienced it.
- Fifty-five percent of those who experienced it married the object of their affection.
- Three quarters of these married couples stayed married.
there are modern examples of the eyes averted pose…Modigliani’s Female Nude 1916 for example, a favourite painting… there’s a link above where you can see the painting as part of the model’s wiki page…meet the remarkable Iris Tree, English poet, bohemian, adventuress, wit…ironically given the pose, her life epitomises independence and utter freedom from convention or stereotyping…

music credits: One Dog Down title music by Wes Hutchinson, Temptation March by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)Artist: http://audionautix.com/ Our French Café by Jimmy Fontanez and Media Right Productions, Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, uncredited, Hungarian Rhapsody No 2 by Franz Liszt, uncredited …all tracks courtesy of Youtube’s Music Library, free to download and use without copyright restrictions or royalties
Keats’ financial situation precluded marriage to Fanny. Ironically, Keats had an inheritance due to him that he was never to know about, an inheritance that would have allowed him to marry her, lost in arcane paperwork and overlooked. A life changed utterly by an administrative error.
his last request was reportedly that his gravestone should be inscribed, “Here lies one who’s name was writ in water,” and make no reference to his given name. The words—intentionally or not—echo this line from Catullus, “Sed mulier cupido quod dicit amanti / in vento et rapida scribere oportet aqua” (What a woman says to a passionate lover / should be written in the wind and the running water). But Catullus did not reckon with a woman like Fanny who was to prove constant, even after death. She was in mourning for six years and only married twelve years after Keats’ had passed away. She went on to have three children and to outlive the poet by forty years.
In passing, it’s worth noting that TB—the cancer of its day—was sometimes known as ‘the romantic disease’. This is from Wiki: “Major artistic figures such as the poets John Keats, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and Edgar Allan Poe, the composer Frederic Chopin, the novelists Charlotte Brontë, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Thomas Mann, W. Somerset Maugham, and Robert Louis Stevenson, and the artists…Edvard Munch, Aubrey Beardsley and Amedeo Modigliani either had the disease themselves or were surrounded by people who did. A widespread belief was that tuberculosis assisted artistic talent, as witness the number of great artists who were affected. Physical mechanisms proposed for this effect included the slight fever and the toxaemia, (blood poisoning), caused by the disease, which allegedly helped them to see life more clearly and to act decisively.

still from the American western film The Prodigal Liar (1919) with William Desmond and Betty Compson
we could each of us take our pick of celebs with relationships that raise more questions than they answer, or come to that, relations and friends in couples whose behaviour one to another is hard to fathom and sometimes hard to sanction or witness…but how do we judge right from wrong and how do we respond when the lovers choose to go on and to repeat the same old, again and again…and is it love, or something altogether other?
…but look, love doesn’t have to be a trap, there must be fifty ways and many of us choose one because the strains are too much. Indeed, there’s an argument that with longer lives, staying together is just not possible for many, if not most of us, despite the fall out for families…which is why dating sites are seldom a ‘once only’ option…check out the latest figures by clicking on the smart graphic of 2012 figures…to find divorces are actually going down, though the reasons are not clear and may relate to finances (it’s expensive) or even to the demise of marriage as an institution…the only exception is same sex couples, where the rate is rising, but given same sex marriage is so new (2014)
Beneath Egon Schiele’s 1911 pen drawing, ‘Couple Embracing’, lies an article that purrports, (wait for it, the joke comes at the end…) to throw some light on the matter of what love really is…which is laudable, if ambitious…one wonders what songwriters, poets and novelists, film makers and all old romantics will do once the cat is out of the bag (yep, not really worth the wait I guess…)
music credits: One Dog Down title music by Wes Hutchinson, Clouds by Huma Huma, Marching for Rain by Puddle of Infinity, Solo Cello Passion by Doug Maxwell and Media Right Productions, Peace by Hovatoff, Getz me to Brazil, another Doug Maxwell creation (how can we thank him enough?) Dinner for Two by SYBS—all tracks courtesy of Youtube’s Music Library, free to download and use without copyright restrictions or royalties unless otherwise stated
plenty of fish, and though the catch is on ice as season one concludes…there is hope.
this photo was taken in Guadeloupe on holiday with my ex-girlfriend, the year, 2010…which makes me nostalgic for all things past, though with as little regret as I can muster, because, as my dear nan was wont to say,
“tout passe, tout lasse, tout casse, et tout se remplace (Everything passes, everything wearies, everything breaks and everything is replaced)
Dante sees Beatrice for only the second time in his life, at age nineteen, though he looks older in Henry Holiday’s 1883 oil painting of the encounter on the ponte Santa Trinita, with the river Arno and the ponte Vecchio in the background, a scene recognisable even today. Boys watching girls and girls watching boys has been about forever I guess, though courtly love may be less obviously the guiding principle of dating websites, we all live and hope
music credits: One Dog Down title music by Wes Hutchinson, Tango de la Noche by Wayne Jones, Symphony No 5 by Beethoven, uncredited, Chopin’s Funeral March is also uncredited, the marvellous 7th Floor Tango is by Silent Partner, Lord of the Land by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1400022Artist: http://incompetech.com/ and the haunting Desert Caravan is by another favourite collaborator, Aaron Kelly, the last track is by Leah, an original piece written and performed by the author’s daughter —all tracks courtesy of Youtube’s Music Library, free to download and use without copyright restrictions or royalties unless otherwise stated.
season two

waits for you